Today we had the first pool test of the summer!
Over the past two weeks, we accomplished the following:
- Nail polished all remaining 3D prints on the robot
- Setup the nail polish tub, making it much easier to apply nail polish
- Completed the transition to the adjustable buoyancy system
- Constructed the gate
- Constructed the bin
- Put away most items that had been left out on the tables
At the pool test, we adjusted the buoyancy, static power, and performed some basic motion tests.
Adjusting buoyancy was a breeze with the new adjustable buoyancy system. However, one of the buoyancy mounts broke during this process. We have nail polished several more and will keep them in the robot cart as backup.
The robot held depth really well, but experienced many oscillations in Y and Z axes when moving forward. This is nothing new; we were experiencing the same issues at the end of the semester.
We placed the bin in the water and it sunk to the bottom without any extra weights. We captured some footage of the bin with the bottom mono camera; the bag file has been uploaded to Google Drive.
There were no leaks at all. Humidity stayed at 60% throughout the test and no water was observed inside the capsule after the test. We had used one of the new capsules that Saagar had made at the end of the semester.
A few 3D prints seemed to absorb water; we will continue to monitor them and reapply nail polish as needed.
Overall, the test today showed that the robot is 100% functional and we will resume our pursuit of the prequal in the upcoming pool tests.