As we conclude the Fall 2024 semester, the Duke Robotics Club reflects proudly on the progress we’ve made. This semester was filled with milestones, from transitioning our systems to ROS2 and advancing the design of our new minibot to redesigning electrical systems and conducting essential pool tests. Alongside these technical accomplishments, we onboarded the largest group of new members in our history, fostering collaboration and skill development that will propel us into the future. Here’s a detailed look at our achievements and plans:
Electrical Team
This semester, the electrical team achieved several important milestones. The team successfully onboarded a record number of new members, building the largest and most capable electrical team in the club’s history. One of our key projects was constructing a replica of Oogway’s electrical stack on a flat wooden board, allowing us to test code and new components without needing to use the robot itself. Similarly, the team developed the electrical stack for the minibot on another wooden board, creating a flexible platform for iterative testing.
Another significant accomplishment was transitioning our offboard communication system to be compatible with ROS2. Previously, this relied on the rosserial
library provided by ROS1, but the team rewrote the code to use libraries that align with ROS2, ensuring reliability and future-proofing our systems. Additionally, the team redesigned PCBs for the thruster ESCs.
Looking ahead to the spring, the team plans to finalize the minibot electrical stack by integrating the NVIDIA Jetson Nano computer. Testing and refining the new offboard communication code will also be a priority. Beyond these tasks, the team aims to develop a physical PCB design for acoustics and integrate an acoustic modem to enable underwater communication between the minibot and Oogway.
Mechanical Team
The mechanical team made significant progress this semester, starting with the successful onboarding of many new members. These new recruits quickly began contributing to key projects, including the design of the minibot. This involved creating several iterations of the frame and conducting multiple fluid simulations to ensure optimal hydrodynamics. A full-scale prototype of the minibot was constructed using wood and plastic, providing valuable insights into its design and performance.
The team also focused on improving Oogway. One major upgrade was replacing its 3D-printed parts with stronger, water-resistant components produced using SLS printing. Additionally, the buoyancy mounts were redesigned with aluminum instead of plastic, greatly enhancing their durability. To improve the robot’s hydrodynamics, the team repositioned the battery capsule from a diagonal to a straight orientation. Finally, the team began brainstorming ideas for a torpedo launcher, setting the stage for future innovation.
In the spring, the team will focus on obtaining parts and assembling the minibot using the finalized design. With the minibot nearing completion, the team will dedicate more attention to the torpedo project, aiming to develop functional and reliable torpedoes. The team also plans to explore the development of an underwater arm for object manipulation, a project that may extend into the following year.
Software Team
This semester, the software team revamped its onboarding process to engage new members more effectively and improve teaching efficiency. This effort was crucial, as our primary technical focus was the migration of our software modules from ROS1 to ROS2. With ROS1 support ending after 2025, this transition was both timely and essential.
The migration efforts are documented in the robosub-ros2 GitHub repository, where the team successfully transitioned our data pub, sensor fusion, task planning, and system utils modules. In addition, the team made significant progress on migrating other modules, including computer vision, controls, and Foxglove. These efforts have prepared us to take full advantage of the improved capabilities that ROS2 offers. The team also revamped the Docker configuration, developed a brand new GitHub Actions pipeline, and streamlined our developer tooling to improve productivity.
In the upcoming semester, the team plans to complete the migration of our Foxglove and controls modules to ROS2 and begin testing them in real-world scenarios. The team is also excited to start developing software for the minibot. Once the new RoboSub 2025 tasks are announced, the team will formulate strategies and begin developing the necessary tools, including advanced computer vision models and task planning code.
IT Team
The IT team focused on enhancing the club’s digital presence and infrastructure this semester. The team made significant improvements to our website, addressing feedback from RoboSub 2024 judges, updating the leadership on the team page, and adding a section highlighting the companies where club alumni have worked. These changes have made our website more informative and easier to maintain.
Another highlight was the development of the unified photos solution. After thorough research, we selected Google Photos as our primary storage provider and began implementing workflows to maintain a comprehensive club photo library. Additionally, the team purchased a new club laptop to enhance performance for essential tasks, an external SSD, and laptop shades to support outdoor work during competitions.
Next semester, the team will complete the implementation of the unified photos solution and redesign the email template used to communicate with prospective members, making it more visually appealing and easier to edit. Toward the end of the semester, the team plans to update the website with new headshots of team members and details about the technical improvements made to our robots. The team will also create detailed documentation for maintaining the IT infrastructure and train the next leadership team to ensure a smooth transition.
Looking Ahead
This semester has been a testament to our team’s dedication, creativity, and teamwork. As we look forward to Spring 2025, we are excited to build on these achievements, tackle new challenges, and continue our pursuit of excellence in robotics. Thank you for following our journey—stay tuned for more updates!