Torpedo Launcher – Overall Design

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Torpedo Launcher

The torpedo launcher we’ve been constructing features two cylindrical tubes containing torpedoes that compress a spring and are released by a trigger mechanism. Our design process has led to various alterations, particularly to the barrel, torpedo, and trigger mechanism. For the barrel, we added holes to facilitate water escape making it easier for the torpedo …

Hydrophone Mounts

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Hydrophone Mounts

As the acoustics team continues development this year, the main priority for the hydrophone mount is modularity: the hydrophones may need to be moved around the robot for tests and the mounts may need to be quickly reprinted to accommodate different designs.  Therefore, the hydrophone mount uses a two-part design. The first part is the …

Main Capsule – Metal Plate

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Main Capsule

The first step to secure the metal plate was to drill four additional holes into our stack plate. These will allow four additional standoffs to be mounted to hold the plate securely onto the capsule. We used a laser-cut jig to line up a hand drill and manually drilled each one.  Then, we cut four …