Adjustable Buoyancy – Old System

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Adjustable Buoyancy

Pros Our old design is minimal and compact, allowing it to be easily 3D-printed and assembled quickly. This design allows high adjustability as well: we can add as many buoyancy blocks as we want atop the mount. Moreover, we could easily mount this design on many parts of our robot because it simply wraps around …

Adjustable Buoyancy – Capsule-Based System

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Adjustable Buoyancy

To improve the adjustable buoyancy system, we decided on a new design with an old, damaged camera capsule we had on hand. We want to create a piston-like system that allows the volume of air inside the capsule to be adjusted when needed. This principle is similar to a syringe: when the piston retracts, the …

Adjustable Buoyancy – Capsule-Based System Update

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Adjustable Buoyancy

During testing, we noticed that the capsule system is much bigger and cumbersome than our old design. The weight from the acrylic and metal mounting brackets was many times that of our simple 3D-printed mount. This also means that there are fewer places it can be mounted on the robot and it is overall less …

Adjustable Buoyancy – Rod-Based System

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Adjustable Buoyancy

Our new system was designed to be just as flexible as our old system while retaining the stability and reliability of the capsule system. This system is composed of two rods mounted on the system and uses the same foam blocks as the original design. This system is analogous to adding weights to a barbell: …