Streamlining Systems and Robotic Modifications

Following our successful pool test, we confirmed that the new serial communications system works as intended, and both Arduino systems are operating properly. With this milestone achieved, our next steps involve migrating the system into our ROS2 repository and reorganizing the code structure. While our current structure does abstract sensor functions into separate files, it …

Powering Up PCBs and Comms!

Within these past few weeks, our current projects have reached major milestones with their progress! For the groups who’ve been modeling our electrical stacks on wood boards, the big stack team has entirely finished the battery connectors, kill switches, motor control/ESC, and started to add in sensors. The mini stack team has not only finished …

Glad to be Back!

With the school year starting back up, we decided to continue the electrical team’s onboarding project from the previous year and augment it with a new challenge. This year, our challenge for the teams was to create either the loudest sound or have the most creative use of sound using piezoelectric speakers. With roughly 30 …