Pool Test 02/16/2025

We first adjusted Oogway’s buoyancy. With the two large buoyancy blocks attached behind the torpedo launcher, along with adjustments made in the pool, we were able to make Oogway’s buoyancy level. In this process, we noticed that the spacers for the buoyancy shafts are too small and need to be reprinted with a larger diameter. …

Pool Test 04/21/24

We remapped the joystick inputs and it now works as expected. We tested all 6 axes, including roll and pitch. Like Will, we noticed Foxglove becoming unresponsive if multiple windows are open. We noticed that the Foxglove bridge node was reporting that the send buffer limit has been reached which is the most likely cause …

Pool Test 04/19/24

Before the test: Last night, Philip finished wiring the Ping1D. Today morning, we discovered that the epoxy applied to the battery connector had gotten into the connection, causing the connector to be very tightly connected with the wall power connector. We couldn’t separate them with brute force, so Philip cut off part of the insulation. …