Room Cleanup

It’s no secret that we bring a lot of things to the RoboSub competition every year. The sheer mass of stuff equates to practically our entire lab. Shipping everything across the country is no easy feat, especially during the summer months. Packing the lab requires careful assessment of team needs and shipping requirements. Be it …

RoboSub 2023 Recap

Shipping an entire team of Duke Robotics members to San Diego is no small feat. While everyone individually manages their own flights, the team has to coordinate many things, including arrival times, rental cars, and checking into the Airbnb. The most difficult transportee however, is our robot Oogway. About a week before the competition, we …

2020-21 Season Recap

If you were to pass by Gross Hall on any typical Saturday, you could expect to smell the familiar scent of a dozen pies’ worth of Domino’s pizzas wafting from the Foundry. In other words, Duke Robotics was in session! Our engineers could be found scattered across the Foundry, funneling our collective brainpower into designing, …

Presenting at Bethesda Christian Academy’s Science Week

This afternoon, David Miron (our Programming Lead) and I presented at Bethesda Christian Academy’s science week. We were honored to be the conclusion to the 160 elementary and middle school students’ week-long dive into different STEM topics. We introduced them to the field of robotics, showed them various examples of robots all over different industries, …

Fall 2016 Wrap-up

We began our year with Bot Battle as a way to introduce underclassmen to both members of the club and the robotics fundamentals we work with. Partnering with the Innovation Co-Lab, we prepared kits, held office hours, and led workshops covering topics from controls to Arduino basics. In the final tournament, each robot fought in rounds …

Bot Battle 2016

In 2016, we hosted the first Bot Battle competition designed to get students excited about autonomous vehicles and robotics. The competition took place from 9/24/16 to 10/2/16. Twelve teams came out and competed- each building an autonomous mobile robot with different strategies for staying alive and taking down rival bots- but there could only be one …

5/2/16 – More Tests

We have finally mounted the DVL, fresh back from Teledyne after receiving a tune-up. We are continuing to fine tune the controls in a series of recent pool tests. Next step, finishing up acoustics and testing the system on board.

4/8/16 – E-Social Robot Unveiling

This Friday, we hosted Pratt’s E-Social. This is basically a free-beer-and-pizza that our school helps sponsor every Friday for engineering students. We used it as an opportunity to unveil our new robot for the first time to the community. Reception was positive! Next time: better demo in a swimming pool?